Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vacation and Framing Windows

Ok, I know that it's been a while but this time I have an excuse. Julie and I took a two week trip to go to Illinois, Spain, and Germany. Wild Traveling times!

Julie and I in front of the Pergamon Museum, Berlin

But now I'm back. Cabinets, Windows, and Doors are all ordered and on the way. So now I'm framing the walls and putting in the new electrical and plumbing work.

Here's a fun picture of why I love Julie's VW Golf. I could even see the side mirror! And it's like Mr. Rumsfeld says: "You go to Lowe's with the car you have, not with the car you want to have".

VW golf with something like (20) 2x4s and some plywood.

The goal for this weekend is to order our appliances and make a final decision on sinks, countertop, and flooring.

I plan to be finished by October 31. Good Luck!

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