Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kong and I ripped out drywall in the mudroom today. I pulled down the dropped ceiling and pulled up more flooring. My worry in getting to the flooring is that once I uncover it, the fir is susceptible to a lot of damage. It's somewhat protected under two layers of ugly linoleum. Hmm.

So one wall was built on a 2x2 sole plate with 2x4 studs turned sideways. Why? The other two walls are normal 4" thick.

This wall was only 2-inches thick
This wall was only 2-inches thick

Demo Mudroom Ceiling
Demo Mudroom Ceiling

Demo Mudroom Wall
Demo Mudroom Wall

Note the old external siding from when this used to be a porch
Note the old external siding from when this used to be a porch

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